
Rethink Your Life: A Unique Diet to Renew Your Mind is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every day you are bombarded by messages that implant themselves into your mind and influence your thinking. Thoughts become actions and actions become habits, so gaining control of your thoughts is the critical first step in making positive life changes. That's why the apostle Paul urged us to bring all our thoughts into captivity and to abandon the practice of conforming the way we think to the...

filter the thoughts that enter our minds and to purge the negative ones that are already there. Christians are often anxious over the fleeting thoughts that pop into their heads with no warning. They wonder how they possibly could have had such a thought. They start to feel guilty and dirty, as if the experience of the thought were itself a sin. The fact is that, in most cases, we cannot prevent a specific thought from entering our mind. All we can do is to manage it once it’s in there. If it’s a
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